[Anubad] [GSOC 2012] An application UI testing framework for validating translation completeness and quality

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 05:11:26 PDT 2012

Hi Sanket,

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Sanket Agarwal
<sanket at sanketagarwal.com> wrote:

> I am Sanket. I am student from IIT Kharagpur and have been a regular
> Open Source fanatic. I participated in GSoC in 2010 and am planning to
> look for interesting organizations again this year :).

Nice to know that you find some of our ideas interesting. I'll chime
in partially since Runa was explaining bit of the idea to me. I'll
leave the rest for her to provide pointers to.

The basic premise of the idea is to be able to come up with a test
framework and, an easy way to write test cases to determine
completeness and quality of translations.

Completeness is defined as when all the possible strings within a
known application, as seen from the GUI appear translated. So, for
example, if you take an application like Firefox, say, how do you
figure out that the GUI bits of the application will have every
translatable element in the local language ? Additionally, there is a
need to figure out if, during translation, the UI element underwent
distortion from the original thus leading to unpleasant user

Quality is defined as to whether the strings adhere to the known

> * Currently when you do translation (for say a software or a website
> etc), do you do it without any specific tool ? Because I could not
> find any proper code hosted at your website. Or maybe I missed it,
> please help me with links if there are :-)

Translators use offline tools like Lokalize, Virtaal or, online ones
like Pootle, Zanata or, Transifex.

I think Runa would be best suited to respond to your other queries.


sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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