[Anubad] [GSOC 2012] An application UI testing framework for validating translation completeness and quality

Sanket Agarwal sanket at sanketagarwal.com
Sat Mar 17 12:53:09 PDT 2012

Hi Anubad team, Runa,

I am Sanket. I am student from IIT Kharagpur and have been a regular
Open Source fanatic. I participated in GSoC in 2010 and am planning to
look for interesting organizations again this year :).

I find Anubad interesting as it is something indigenous and a rather
brave attempt at translation (not sure if there are many translation
orgs for Indian langauges). I was looking at the ideas list and got
interested in the first idea (also my subject header). I wanted to ask
a few questions targeted towards that:

* Currently when you do translation (for say a software or a website
etc), do you do it without any specific tool ? Because I could not
find any proper code hosted at your website. Or maybe I missed it,
please help me with links if there are :-)
* Given that you need a translation tool, my understanding is that you
require a UI which can accept a project directory, and extract out
strings which require attention.
* Do you have preference of how this UI should be written, as rightly
said -- a scripting language like Py will be most ideal, alongwith Py
has interesting UI components to complete it.
* Also how exactly do you identify which strings need translation, do
software writers `encode` them somehow so that translators could work
on it. I remember seeing some .po files in a few projects which
translators could work during string freeze.

It'll be most helpful if you could help me with identifying these doubts :).



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