[Anubad] GSoc 2012 introduction

Shubhankit Mohan shubhankit1 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 01:23:25 PDT 2012


I am Shubhankit Mohan, a 4th year engineering undergraduate student at IIT
Kharagpur.Being honest I am new to Open Source Development and I have never
worked on any open source project before.I liked Ankur India as I have
immense interest in coding/ algorithms and it's mission to improve the
usage of bengali language in open souce projects.I have both a good
programming background and a good mathematics background. I've worked in a
number of programming languages including Python,C++ and Java.

After looking at the suggested projects list I have found two projects to
be especially interesting.

Idea 1: Improve the accuracy of OCR tools for Bengali language to 98%
I have looked closely at it and was wondering what parts of the code might
be relevant to look at, and any prior work there may have been on this or
what literature might be relevant for the second step of the project.

Idea 2: Develop a system with multi-lingual capabilities in order to
receive answer to user specific queries.

I want to know what portion of work has currently been done and if the
respective mentors could provide relevant literature and models present.

I have no experience in open-source projects, but I really want to get into
it and contribute my part in it.My studies end on May 10th , so from the
very beginning of the summer I can fully devote myself to the project.I
work on Mac OS X Lion and Win 7.

Shubhankit Mohan

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