[Anubad] Webmaker Localization Sprint for bn-IN

Sayak Sarkar sayak.bugsmith at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 19:17:15 PDT 2013


This may come as a bit short notice, but I was just intimated about a
string freeze deadline of Monday, October 21st 2013 for the Mozilla
Webmaker project on Transifex, before the upcoming Mozilla Festival.

Locales with a 100% complete statistics by then would be showcased at
MozFest during the first round of demonstrations of a truly localized
Webmaker project.

In this regard I would like to propose a weekend long translation sprint
[Quite a bit ambitious? I know! ;-) ]  to complete the remaining
translations before the deadline on Monday, October 21st 2013.

The Goal is to complete as much translations for bn-IN as possible by then
and ultimately reach that coveted 100% translation status for the Webmaker

Ideally we would like to complete translations for the high priority
modules first (i.e. webmaker.org and Web Literacy Standard) followed by the
Webmaker Tools (Popcorn, Thimble and Goggles) followed by the Webmaker
profile module.

All updates regarding the sprint can be tracked at:
https://etherpad.mozilla.org/bn-in-webmaker-l10n-sprint . If you are not
yet a member of the Webmaker project on Transifex, please go ahead and
request an account, or you may directly ping me.

It would be great if everybody interested in the sprint can take part in
it, and also it would be awesome if you could share your thoughts on how we
can make the most of the short time span that we have in our hands.

Also, finally, I'd like ask if it would be a good idea to use the Ankur IRC
channel for the sprint related communications this weekend? If so, it can
be our primary channel of communications for the sprint.


Homepage: http://sayak.in
About Me:  http://about.me/sayak_sarkar
Twitter:       http://twitter.com/sayak_sarkar
Blog:          http://sayaksarkar.wordpress.com

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