[Project-ideas] Debdutto's Project Reply

Joy Chakraborty joy.virus2 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 11:00:42 PDT 2013

>Hi Debdutto,

>Thank you for writing in. Some comments are in-line. I would request
>that you ensure that the responses are sent to the list (and, not to
>me directly).

>On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Debdutto Chakraborty
><joy.virus2 at gmail.com <http://lists.ankur.org.in/listinfo.cgi/project-ideas-ankur.org.in>> wrote:

>>* I am Debdutto Chakraborty, currently studying in pre-final year B.Tech in*>>* Computer Science and engineering from Asansol Engineering College. Also, I'm*>>* new to this world of open source although I've been using Ubuntu & various*>>* other Open Sourced software por past 3-4 years, I had no idea that it was*>>* such a huge thing.*
>Yes, it is a sometimes surprise.

>>* I was going through the ideas page and the following two project ideas*>>* really struck me:*>>**>>* Design and development of a print ready OpenType font for Bengali: Being a*>>* Bengali myself, a;though i could speak bengali but I learned to read/write*>>* the language quite later in life. Also I'm familiar with font designing*>>* techniques as i created a font of my own handwriting using a technique given*>*> long back in Digit magazine. Although there might be different tools at work*>*> here, but I'm known to be highly adaptive in such cases.*
>It is interesting that you've undertaken this effort. Do you have any
>links, documentation or, screenshots of the font? Additionally, are
>you familiar with open source software tools used to design fonts?

*No, sir i don't have the font or any screenshots since i created it
ages ago when i was a kid (which i still am).*
*But yes I'm familiar with the workings of FontForge. If u want i can
create a font in a day or two and provide it to you.
>*> Add a language model for speech recognition software for Bengali language:*>*> For people like me, who can speak/read fluent Bengali but stutter while*>*> writing, this kind of software will a boon. Although I'm not familiar with*>*> how speech recognition actually works or how it is built, I'm*>*> researching/googling everything I can find on the web right now. Also, any*>*> help from Ankur India will be great*
>I'd wait for you to respond to what you have found out so far.

*With my research and wandering around on the internet I'm now quite
acquainted with how a speech recognition system works and its
different stages in development.
But* *since i'm still an amateur in this area, some expert help would
be highly appreciated.


*Also, i found that this organization with this project pdf
<http://crblp.bracu.ac.bd/seminar/Firoj_Add3_Presentation.pdf> has
already done much of the research and it might help us a lot.

Also, the CMUSphinx Speech recognition engine might help us out. Its
open source AND there is already a Mexican Spanish version of it.

Again please guide me in the right direction if I'm wrong anywhere.*

>*> Since I'm in college now, I've classes. Still, i will be able to provide*>*> around 8-10 hours of work every day. If more time is needed I'm always ready*>*> to cough up some extra work-hours.*
>We'll come to that once we - [1] get selected as a mentoring
>organization, [2] figure out which of the project holds your interest
>and, [3] read your proposal

*Yours sincerely,
Debdutto Chakraborty
joy.virus2 at gmail.com
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