[Anubad] [Need Action] Firefox for Android bn-IN build testing

Biraj Karmakar brnet00 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 11:27:56 PDT 2014

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing good. So, as you know we have completed Firefox
for Android bn-IN translation already. Now is the time for testing
the single locale build [0] in Android mobile which you have. Actually, I
have started working on the review session. It would be great if you send
some screenshots with wrong translations and please mark the part also of
the wrong translation [One example [1] ]. Please send them in this thread.
It will help to detect easily the wrong translation.

Now if you would get some other issues like font is not rendering etc then
please follow below steps :

    1.Go to bugzilla and open up a bug under Product:
     *Mozilla Localizations*,   Component: *bn-IN* . Enter at the beginning
of the title: *[Fennec]*

    2. Describe in the bug the steps you had to reproduce and the device
you were using.

    3. Make a screenshot! that always helps. Add it under attachments of
the bug

    4. Put yourself in CC of the bug, as well as :gueroJeff , :biraj

Let me know if you have any questions.

[1] http://awesomescreenshot.com/0612p7b3c6

Thank You and Warm Regrads

Biraj Karmakar
*Mozilla Reps* from India
Blog *: http://birajkarmakar.wordpress.com/
Twitter :*@birajkarmakar*

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